Estimados visitantes de RentMen: YourGuyKai eligió responder 16 preguntas de la entrevista que fueron actualizadas por última vez el 06 Apr 2023.


  • ¿Cuéntanos un poco acerca de ti mismo? Algo que te gustaría que otros sepan absolutamente sobre ti.
    I don’t like drama, I will avoid drama at all costs. I support happiness and hope that others will support mine
  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos e intereses?
    I paint, I love to cook and I love good food! I enjoy being outdoors. I love to go to music festivals I love to travel.
  • ¿Qué “esfuerzo adicional” haces en tu vida?
    I reach out. I don’t wait for people to come to me I reach out and see what I can do for people.
  • ¿Qué haces para divertirte?
    For fun I paint and decorate. I I love to paint and I love to create things. Where ever I am living is always covered in my own art. It’s almost too much at times. If you come see me. You will see.
  • Cuéntanos acerca de la mejor experiencia que has tenido en la vida.
    I did a job one time where I was traveling around Greece it was magical. Santorini is a dream.
  • ¿Qué te distingue de todas las demás personas que conoces?
    I am pretty quirky in terms of… well…. most things about me. .I am very expressive. My facial expressions will tell you the truth I speak with my hands when I am really passionate about about something words may turn into to full out dance moves. So if you are looking at a sea of people that were all told to stand still, face front, and slowly recite your ABCs. Look for the guy who is facing the back with his blue tooth speaker playing Whitney Houston’s “I wanna dance with somebody” and dancing about. That will be me.
  • ¿Cuál dirías son tus mayores atributos?
    A great listener, I’m very astute I can see things in people that they cannot see in themselves the good things. I’m creative , I’m optimistic
  • ¿Cuál es tu "especialidad" o que te apasiona?
    It might be weird. I still do not know.
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? ¿Prefieres viajar o eres una persona hogareña?
    I I love to travel, and I always have! definitely not a homebody at this point in my life atleast. I’m constantly traveling, and I love it.
  • ¿Qué tipo de dieta y rutina de ejercicios sigues?
    I eat kind of healthy. I need to eat way healthier I drink water and I dance.
  • ¿Cuáles son tus características específicas de estilo de vida que te hacen quién eres?
    I live my life creatively every decision I make comes from a creative place. And it’s all organized chaos in my mind. I am a true Pisces. I like to be happy and I like others to be happy . I think that our feelings no matter what it is sad ,Lonely ,jealous, tired ,mad, angry ,confused can all lead us back to happiness . D on’t get stuck in those bad feelings. Acknowledge the fact that you were feeling that way and get over it. I know it’s easier said than done. But if you’re consistent in making it a habit to turn your bad feelings into happy ones it gets easier and easier. And there is no right way to do this. You do what works for you... Because, Well, It works for you! Be selfish sometimes.
  • ¿Qué te gustaría que los lectores supieran acerca de ti que es único e incluso un poco personal?
    This is a hard one. The thing that comes to mind is that I am true to my astrology sign. I am a true pieces. I live my life is an organized chaos kind of way. Also I don’t live by the book. I live creatively. That is a good thing At times And a bad thing at times.
  • Si nos sentamos en la playa, a beber y comer solo tú y yo, ¿qué me contarías de tu persona y tu vida?
    We talk About things that make us happy and We would discuss “what if’s “ and we can do to bring more happiness in our lives. I will tell you about how I feel About people and how we need people to stop putting so much pressure on each other. We need to support each other’s happiness 100% and not the other away around ,Always tearing each other apart. We’re so hard on each other sometimes. Things like that.
  • ¿Qué deben saber otros con absoluta certeza acerca de ti?
    I am classically trained dancer. So I’m very flexible.
  • ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de ti?
    Its important to love yourself. The good the bad and the ugly. We’ve all got all three. So I have 3 things I enjoy about me
    One is that I am a great listener. Sometimes, well a lot of times people just need to be heard. I hear everything. Without interjecting or just waiting to put my 2 cents in. Sometimes people don’t want you to fix their problems they just want to be heard and get it out. Along with that I like is my ability see in people things they may not see in themselves qualities that people hide away they think that they’re ugly or stand out well, I think a little bit of ownership in those things that we think are not so beautiful about ourselves can become some of our best qualities.
  • Nombra 5 cosas sin las que no puedes vivir.
    I cannot live without my
    3.Led light strips
    4.Chill house music
    5.Silicone lube
    And that list is nowhere near finished.